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get your goods

If you’re anything like us, you know how HARD it is to find godly, modest, & reputable websites to buy all the sexy things from.


WELL, look no further.We have what you're looking for ...and yes, because we LOVE you, there are some fun Kingdom Sexuality discount codes for you to save $$$ on these websites!

Christian Sex Toy Company

Married Dance

One of our fav's for toys, MELT massage course, vibrator pilot program and so much more!


Use our code KINGDOMSEXUALITY for an extra 10% off your purchase!

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Better Help Counseling

Online counseling for any situation. Licensed counselors (faith-based optional) available in all states to be there for you no matter what it is.


Use our code KINGDOMSEXUALITYMINISTRY for 10% off your first month!

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Mentionables Lingerie

Want model-free, modestly advertised, STUNNING, affordable lingerie? We heard your cry, & this incredible company answered the call!


follow us on Instagram for a discount code

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Be Loved Fertility

Our own team member, Tiera, runs a fertility and women's reproductive health support practice (TTC, Natural Birth Control, PMS, etc)!


Use the coupon code KSFOLLOWER and you'll receive $50 off any package! 


My Counselor Online

An amazing Christian online counseling with specific additional training in sex therapy.

Highly recommend!


$25 off your first month

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Organic, cruelty-free, non-toxic lubricant - the best!


Use our code KINGDOMSEXUALITY for 15% off!

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Honoring Intimates

Looking for another nudity-free lingerie option that has pretty lingerie and more? Check out this Christian-based company!!


Use the codes on their website for the best deals!

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Mira Fertility

A fertility monitoring system that analyzes your urine to give you real-time hormone levels for tracking your cycle (birth control or TTC)


Use the code: KINGDOM for $40 off

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Let's Get Checked

An at-home blood testing lab that allows you to get your blood checked for things like hormonal imbalances.


Use the code: KINGDOM and receive 25% off

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Dwell Bible App

An audio Bible that includes playlists, daily devotionals, and even a kids' section!


Visit their website here for 25% off

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A reusable menstrual disc company that also sells other menstrual accessories.


Use the code KINGDOM15 for 15% off

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EnGedi Lingerie

A Canadian nudity-free lingerie company. We're proud to have a Canadian company in this space!


Use code KINGDOMSEXUALITY for 10% off

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Every Love Intimates

A beautiful, tasteful romance and intimacy subscription box.


Use code KS69 for $30 off each subscription box 

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Beating 50 Percent

 Journals that will help you to reminisce, remember, and record your love story.


Use code KINGDOMSEXUALITY for 10% off!

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Birds & Bees

Our favorite course about giving "the talk" to your kids!


Use code KINGDOM20 for 20% off the course

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An awesome wearable thermometer that tracks your temperature for tracking your menstrual cycle. â€‹


Use code AFKINGDOMSEXUALITY for 10% off!

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Ultimate Intimacy App

A fun respectful, easy to use app to increase intimacy in marriage!


Visit their site here

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A screen-less basal body thermometer that helps predict your fertile window. 


Code DaysyUS+835 for $20 off!


Covenant Eyes

The BEST software to monitor your online activity and keep you accountable


Use our code KS30 to get your first 30 days FREE!

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Intimately Us App

We love this fun and sexy app for married couples! It helps spice up your intimate life & deepen your connection.


Visit their site here

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Glyde Condoms

Ethical, vegan, non-toxic, fair trade condoms.


Visit their site here. 

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Natura Soy

Kyle recommends their awesome massage candles


Use the code KINGDOM15 for 15% off

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Love Your First Year

Resources to help you navigate engagement so you can love your marriage.


Use the code KINGDOM15 for $15 off

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The Adventure Challenge

We love these books to bring fun to date nights and family nights!


Use code KINGDOMSEXUALITY for 10% off

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Truly Skincare

One of our favourite skincare lines to use! 



Use the code: KS15 for 15% off

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Seven Weeks Coffee

A faith-based coffee brand making a difference! Come see what their mission is and where a portion of their proceeds go.​

Visit their site here

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A permanent hair removal device. Check out their site to see how it works!


Use the code KINGDOM for 10% off

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